Info and Links to Cashiers, NC development resources

Cashiers NC
Development Resources

Cashiers NC Development Resources

Development Resources Links | Recodify Cashiers Video

Cashiers NC
Development Resources

On this page we provide information and links to those county and local resources that influence, control and approve development activities in Cashiers, NC.

Please [Contact Us] if we have omitted a Cashiers NC development resource and we will add it ASAP!

For more organizations working on preserving Cashiers, look here
[Cashiers Links of Interest]

  1. Jackson County Planning Department - The Jackson County Planning Department strives to achieve excellence and consistency while fulfilling its role as advisor to the County Manager and Governing Body on land use, planning and code enforcement and other regulatory programs that guide growth and development within Jackson County.
  2. Cashiers Area Community Planning Council - The Cashiers Area Community Planning Council meets on the fourth Monday of every month at the Cashiers-Glenville Recreation Center, Frank Allen Road, Cashiers, NC. at 5:00 p.m. This link provides access to Board Member info and Meeting Minutes.
  3. Cashiers Commercial Area - Cashiers is an unincorporated village located in the southern end of Jackson County. The heart of the Cashiers village is located at the intersection of US 64 and NC 107 at 3,487 feet in elevation on the southern-most plateau of the Appalachian Mountains. With beautiful mountain peaks, waterfalls, lakes and rivers, private clubs, summer homes, and high end shopping, the Village of Cashiers is a popular seasonal destination. The year round population averages 1,700 people, but during the summer season, the population can climb to over 10,000.

    The development regulations for the Cashiers Commercial Area can be found in Jackson County’s Municode by clicking the “Jackson County Municode” icon.. Find this info here:
  4. Develop Cashiers Responsibly - "It takes a village to save a village" Who is Develop Cashiers Responsibly (DCR) ?

    We are a group of full time and part time Cashiers residents that organically came together in 2020 in response to an overly dense development proposed on 50 acres at the Cashiers Crossroads that was not in character with the town of Cashiers.


ReCodify Cashiers

ReCodify Cashiers is a new initiative by Jackson County, in partnership with the Cashiers Community, to update and improve the development regulations and development application review processes that apply within the Cashiers Commercial District. 

The ReCodify Cashiers project is an initiative being undertaken by the County to review and update a portion its Unified Development Ordinance applicable in the Cashiers area. The Unified Development Ordinance (or “UDO”) is the basic set of laws used by the County to protect public health and safety as well as to protect property values and sensitive environmental resources.
Jackson County’s UDO establishes basic rules for how land may be used, what kinds of land uses may be permitted in what locations, the process for gaining County approval of a proposed land use or development activity, and how the County will handle violations or complaints about potential violations of the development rules.
Nick Childs

Changes to the Cashiers area development
and community character codes are still underway, although CodeWright founder Chad Meadows hopes they will be adopted by August.

The changes are intended to streamline developments by laying out criteria the Cashiers Area Community Planning Council wants developments to include. Ideally, the changes should help provide
clarity about conditional zoning, the intent of the planning council and developers, and streamline the development process. As Cashiers is recodified, the area will also be rezoned...
The full article may be found on The Highlander [Read the Full Article]

Recodify Cashiers NC: Character Analysis Overview 12-1-23

Recodify Cashiers NC: Character Analysis Overview 12-1-23

Recodify Cashiers: Character Analysis Overview 12-1-23 - Chad Meadows from CodeWright Planners Inc.

The following is a video PowerPoint voice over discussing the Character Analysis for the Recodify Cashiers project with consultant Chad Meadows from
 CodeWright Planners Inc.

To see more about the project please visit

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